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PALLIER Patrick Par Le 10/09/2011 2


          merci de rendre visite à ce site à vocation familiale essentiellement consacré à la famille Pallier. N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos impressions et remarques à son sujet. J'ai pris volontairement le parti de ne pas évoquer ma vie d'adulte, afin de conserver à la génération actuelle, le minimum de discrétion à laquelle elle a droit.

J'espère que sa lecture vous intéressera.

Patrick Pallier


           thank you for visiting this site family oriented mainly devoted to the PALLIER family. Feel free to share your impressions and comments to me about it. I voluntarily took the party not to mention my adult life, to maintain the current generation, the least discretion to which it is entitled.

I hope that reading it will interest you.



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  • Patrick Pallier

    2 Patrick Pallier Le 06/03/2012

    I am glad that my site will be useful. To make it more accessible, I just duplicate it in English, using the machine translation of Google (via my button: "In English"). I did not accept the automatic translation permanent, faster, but non-corrective, if necessary. I plan to add maps summary of the premises. Kind regards.

    Patrick Pallier

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