Our families are mainly from Central and South West of France and I carried out a family tree, available for free (after your free registration), the genealogical site geneanet , under the name of contact: Pat311.
Six generations of PALLIER:

Etienne PALLIER(*) and Léonarde BREUIL Pierre PALLIER and LE-THI-MUI Lame Gabriel PALLIER and Julia SAURIAC
1848 - 1845 - 1866 -1911 1883 -1934 1896 -1990 1901 -1983
(*) Dreadnaught to Reischoffen

P.-François PALLIER and Jacqueline OULES Patrick PALLIER and Annick GUILBERT Christophe PALLIER and Géraldine
1921 - 2001 1920 - 2000 1945 - 1943 - 1968 - 1968 -
First note of the Blog:
thank you for visiting this site family-oriented essentially devoted to the family Pallier. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and comments about it. I voluntarily took the party not to mention my adult life, to maintain the current generation, the minimum of discretion to which it is entitled.
I hope that reading this will interest you."
Patrick Pallier